CITO Staff 2013/2014
Patric Andersson
Head of Office
Holds a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering
Currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Management and Economics of Innovation
Markus Bruus
Deputy Head of Office and Treasurer
Holds a Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management
Currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Management and Economics of Innovation
Marcus Kalander
IT Responsible
Holds a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science
Currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Computer Science - Alghoritms, Languages and Logic
Elin Almbacke
Academic Exchange and Alumni Responsible
Holds a Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management
Currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Management and Economics of Innovation
Catharina Beckman
Academic Exchange and Alumni Responsible
Holds a Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management
Currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Supply Chain Management
Martin Falk Danauskis
Academic Exchange and Alumni Responsible
Holds a Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering and Managemen
Currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Management and Economics of Innovation
Anna Ohlin
Editor in Chief
Holds a Bachelor's Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Infrastructure and Environmental Engineering
Pascal Csikasz
Art Director
Holds a Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design Engineering
Currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Product Development
Adam Johansson
Corporate Relations
Holds a Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management
Currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Management and Economics of Innovation
Sofie Weidenlöv
Corporate Relations
Holds a Bachelor's Degree in Mechatronics and Automation
Currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Product Development